Tuesday 10 January 2012

Qbee Anatomy

Qbee are the species who live on Planetβ421. All Qbee species share the same features which are almond eyes, peach cheeks, double chin, downward eyebrows, round and chubby face, and lipstick of the Tang dynasty.

Their body functions a little bit different from normal people.According to Dr. Hawking in encyclopeadia of Qbee World in 1986:

They have tiny little brain than normal people which means they literally can’t do math. However, they show incredible unprecedented aesthetic ability that almost all of them have potential to be Picasso. What’s more, they also show the great ability in speaking, though they only speak nonsense.
About their personality, since they have more than 100 characteristics that it’s hard to describe them. However, they do share one same characteristic that is super duper hyperactive that they can’t stand being still.
     Another interesting fact about them is that their heart is almost as big as their brain which indicates that they tend to act based on emotion and feeling instead of logical thinking. What’s more, they have enormous stomach and sharp sense of smell which explains why they are always eating.

What Dr. Hawking forgot to mention is that they have an extreme weird habit, that is they like to keep their treasures under their hair. So far we only dug out 1/1000000 fact about these unique species Which means that we still got a long way to go before finding out  who they really are.