Saturday 28 May 2016

A Million Dogs 百萬隻汪汪汪

A Million Dogs在台灣上市了!書名跟往常一樣非常的可愛, 中文翻成百萬隻汪汪汪, 哇哈哈~~不過我個人比較偏愛百萬隻汪汪狗! 韓國版本還是大勝啊!比較大本又可愛!


more on A Million Cats百萬隻躲貓貓

For A Million Cat lover. Here is something that hasn't been published for you:) Come and meet my friends, Mr Spirit and Jenga brother from mysterious world.

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Thursday 19 May 2016

Underwater city

Underwater city! I was inspired by the crooked building I did few years ago. 
You might swim with A Million Bears in this imaginary city.

Check my facebook page at

Thursday 12 May 2016